My name is Abelardo Montaño, born in México and living in the USA for more than 30 years now.
Father, husband and architect by profession, it was not until 2014 that I started playing with my photography and drawings.
Thanks to the advent of digitalization I am able to experiment with the infinite possibilities that this new technology has to offer.
At the beginning, my challenge was to create work that desmystifies the concept that most people (even my own) have of “Digital Art” and to create images that have the warmth and soul of traditional art, like that of those artists that I admired through all my life; like Diego Rivera, Rufino Tamayo, David Alfaro Siqueiros and Francisco Zúñiga.
“With the creation of the computer and its use in art, we are now looking at the next major step in the evolution of art.
With the use of the computer, artist can create something that was never possible.
The way art is defined itself is changing “
Digital Art